Our Services Community Development Programs Community Development Program The Community Development Program (CDP) is a Federal Government funded project to assist remote job seekers transition from welfare into employment. NPA Family and Community Services is the current provider for the Northern Peninsular Area approximately 20 staff across three areas. Connecting to CDP is easy. Jobseekers can be referred by Department of Human Services, transfer in from other provider region or simply come into the CDP officer. CDP staff will assist job seekers to find employment. NPA Family and Community Services is now the lead agency delivering the Community Development Program for the NPA region since the 1st of July 2019. The biggest change from the current model is to increase the focus on Community & Industry Engagement by repurposing some positions and creating a team to manage this area. The NPA CDP Board will set the action and transition plans for the program and provide governance to the contract. My Pathway will also provide back-end support to the Program Manager and program. Operationally, the Program Manager and all staff sit within the NPAFACS structure and report ultimately to the CEO. Overall governance will be provided by the Board of Directors for NPAFACS to ensure compliance with the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act. We will also be introducing an Stakeholder Group to provide community governance program and ensure better outcomes are seen for the NPA. Please click on the link below to discover some of the services that CDP deliver into the communities of NPA Employment Support Activities Community & Stakeholder Engagement