Who We Are Management Corporate Structure CDP Program Manager - Community Development Program Serah Binawel In July 2018, the organisation entered into a Joint Venture with My Pathway for the delivery of the Community Development Program in the NPA Region. As part of this Joint Venture, the organisations worked together to review NPA employee structure, activity and set short and long-term goals for the program. The Community Development Program (CDP) is a Federal Government funded project to assist remote job seekers transition from welfare into employment. NPA Family and Community Services is the current provider for the Northern Peninsular Area approximately 20 staff across three areas. Connecting to CDP is easy. Jobseekers can be referred by Department of Human Services, transfer in from other provider region or simply come into the CDP officer. CDP staff will assist job seekers to find employment. NPA Family and Community Services is now the lead agency delivering the Community Development Program for the NPA region since the 1st of July 2019. Assets and Maintenance The Assets & Maintenance Program Manager oversees asset management, maintenance, cleaning, transport, Workplace Health & Safety and IT. As of 30 June 2020, the organisation has 13 organisational buildings, 15 staff accommodation and 42 vehicles. Over the past 12 months, the team has focused on: IT Infrastructure Upgrades – installation of new servers at Bamaga and /Injinoo; installation of new internet system and Telstra Upgrades, installation of new switches, preparation for CDP program Repair and maintenance of old computers Completing maintenance requests and employing quick resolutions to any new problems Yard maintenance Vehicle maintenance WHS Audits at each site Regular accommodation audits Patient transportation Cleaning of offices, centres and accommodation In addition, the team has supported Community Events including school carnivals, community events, funerals with the use of marquees and other equipment.