Financial Services Program Manager - Financial Services Jasmine Bond Jasmine is the Finance manager and she has been with the organisation for 8 years started in the role as HR and moving her to Finance, then Children Services, Assets and Maintenance then back to Finance. Jasmine is grateful for the opportunity NPAFACS has given her by giving her the experience to be working in different sectors of the organisation. Her role now as Program manager in Finance is to oversee all financial aspects of the organisation and to ensure that all financial controls and systems are correctly implemented by our staff. Jasmine work collaboratively with an accountant who is based off site and ensure payroll, creditors, debtors and debt management processes maximises to the organisational financial outcomes. Jasmine also helps to define the organisation's short- and long-term goals and objectives, as well as the regulations and guidelines that govern NPAFACS activities. Daily check that all of the finance officers are adhering to the proper procedures by supervising them.