We provide specialised counselling services to women and men in a confidential manner to help reduce the incidence of domestic and family violence as well as support the emotional wellbeing of clients.

Support for women

Our Women’s Domestic Violence Counsellor is based at the Women’s Shelter to help support women with access to specialised counselling services and undertakes art therapy, narrative therapy and other therapies to support women and has an active engagement in major DV Community Events. The DV Counsellor works with the whole of the community to obtain positive outcomes for clients including women, Queensland Police, Centrelink, Housing, Health Services, QIFVLS, ATSILS and Probation and Parole. Over the past 12 months, we have seen successful Victim Assist Queensland claims, relocation of women and safety plans for all women engaging in DV counselling. As a result, women feel safer and the community feels like it is contributing to decreasing violence. Clients who participate in the program are also now referring other women to the counselling program.

Support for men

The Men’s Support Counselling Service commenced in January 2018 and has been working to improve the engagement of men within the program. The program provides a place for men who are or who have been involved in domestic or family violence or alcohol-related violence to receive support to change behaviour, address contributing factors impacting on them such as employment, external stress, financial stress, alcohol or drug abuse. The program also provides case management, advice and referral and group work for men as well as support for men to gain employment. The Men’s Support Counsellor and Male Mentor Support Worker have worked closely to achieve the following:

  • Established a men’s group (a safe place to gain knowledge)
  • DV education program including exposure to knowledge of healthy relationships and healthy lifestyle
  • Increased client engagement and support
  • Formed networking relationships with NPARC, Corrections, Mental Health and ATODS

We create Domestic violence awareness

In addition, the Male Mentor Support Worker led the community promotion for both White Ribbon Day and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. During May, each of the five communities engaged in preparing for Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month and resulted in each community making a statement of intent for how they will be in relationships and showed their commitment to taking a stand against domestic and family violence. In addition, a colour fun run was held for White Ribbon Day which enables individuals to pledge their support for reducing Domestic and Family Violence.