Our Services Client Services Youth Service We provide intensive support for young people who are at risk of disconnection through the Youth Support Program and individual case management support for young people with alcohol or substance abuse problems through the RADIO program. Youth Support The youth support program provides support to young people who are at risk of disconnection through these main issues Young people disengaged from school Problem behaviours of youth Lack of belonging and risk of detachment As part of the program, the Youth Support Worker provides case management, face-to-face counselling and information, advice, individual advocacy, engagement and referral for youth. The following methods are used to support this work: Art Therapy Cultural activities, fishing, making coconut oil, outings with Elders, making spears, talking about respect. Family engagement and support Linking to schools outside NPA Night program Big increase in youth participants Over the past 12 months, we have seen an increase in the number of young people and both receiving case management support and information, advice, referral and advocacy support achieving above target in both areas. There have also been good outcomes for young people, including: Young people and/or their families accessed appropriate services Centrelink; Housing (NPARC or DoH; license; IDs, Medicare, Queensland Health. Young people were reconnected back with their families, Elders and the community as a whole Young people learned traditional practices and learned more about their identity Young people were actively engaged in helping out making banners and preparing food for community activities Disengaged youth were linked with young people who had good connections in the community – this worked well because then the disconnected ones linked with the networks of the connected young people After the night program was provided, young people and their parent/s started to self-refer to the program and refer other family members Remote Alcohol and Drug Interventions and Outcomes (RADIO) RADIO was a new program funded by the NQPHN that commenced on October-17. RADIO provides young people in Cape York and the Torres regions with information and advice, referrals and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) therapeutic case management and is managed by YETI. Youth AOD workers are employed in local services in the Western Cape, the Northern Peninsula Area and Cooktown with a Senior Clinical Coordinator based at the YETI office in Cairns. RADIO AOD treatment interventions are holistic and focus on supporting young people with employment, housing, education and training, living skills, reducing criminal offending; improving social and emotional wellbeing, and building connections with family and community.