Children Services Expand Program Manager - Children Services, QMS & Training Josie Nona Responsibility: To oversee the operations of all child care services under the management of the organisation inclusive of Injinoo Child Care Centre, Umagico Child Care Centre, Injinoo OSHC/VAC, and Umagico OSHC/VAC. The last 12 months have been very busy within the Children Services Unit with a focus on supporting families with the new funding model, increasing attendances at the centres and improving our communication with Parents and Guardians about their child/children’s development. Within the Children Services we operate the following: Playgroup Injinoo Child Care Centre – 42 place licenced long day care centre Umagico Child Care Centre – 29 place licenced long day care centre Injinoo OSHC Centre – 29 place licenced after school and vacation care centre Umagico OSHC Centre – 30 place licenced after school and vacation care centre
Client Services Expand Program Manager - Client Services Kristen Nadredre Responsible for the management and delivery of services in funded client support programs, the aim being to improve the quality of life of the residents of the Northern Peninsula Area. Currently, we are funded for 12 programs under the Healing Services NPA Women’s Shelter NPA Family Wellbeing Program Intensive Parenting Support Playgroup DV Support - Domestic Violence Counselling & Men’s Support Program BTH Program Youth Services Youth Engagement Support Youth AOD Case Management Respectful Relationships Respectful Relationships Counselling Youth Hub Book club In October 2019, we were awarded HSQF Accreditation via self-assessment for all of our services funded by the Department of Child Safety, Women and Youth and the Department of Communities, Disability Services and seniors and we are currently working towards accreditation to be awarded by an external auditor.
Health Services Expand Program Manager - Health Services Karyn Watson The Clinical Health Services team is headed up by Program Manager, Karyn Sam and consists of three main teams: Primary Health Care Services Child & Maternal Health Integrated Team Care A total of 22 staff are employed within the team.
Projects Expand Program Manager - Projects Sila Guligo To oversee all aspects of the implementation of various health projects including the Integrated Team Care Project and Remote Community Connector Project within the NPA and Torres Strait. NPAFCS operate a Home and Community based Case Management and Consultation Model of Palliative Care that is led by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker. The development of a Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) model of palliative care commenced following very generous, wise and knowledgeable specialist support from St Vincent’s Health Australia (SVHA). SVHA also provided financial support for on-the-ground development of this model, from July 2016 – end June 2019. Over the past 12 months, a model of care has been developed and endorsed by the Board of Directors. The program provides end and quality of life planning and engagement with/ for people diagnosed with chronic disease or diagnosed with a terminal disease in the NPA as well as care coordination of people from the NPA who access services from multiple and geographically diverse services/organisation. The Program has been supported by Reverse PEPA training from SVHA and Cairns and Hinterland HHS. Clinicians provided training to staff and community to provide a good understanding of the principles of palliative care as well as understanding the needs of patients and role in assisting them. Over the past 12 months, current indications are that the number of patients requiring Palliative Care is steadily increasing especially those ranging from 35 to 55 years. Some of the key achievements include Implementing the NPAFACS Model of Palliative Care Ensured consistent and regular case conferencing between NPA and TCHHHS Increased community awareness, engagement and use of the palliative care program Actively engaged with families in planning end of life Actively provided support for families dealing with medical and health end of life tasks, including wills, Health Directives; EPOA; financial; identification. This required working across Births, Deaths and Marriages; police; HACC; Centrelink: Lawyers: Banks; NPARC Established a presence at Medical case conferences across Queensland Health; TI; NPA Presentation at Palliative Care conference: End of Life Statewide Forum in Brisbane Presentation at the Parliamentary Inquiry into Aged Care Together with Queensland Cancer, organized and co-facilitated palliative care training for Aboriginal and Torres Islander Health Workers for NPA and Torres Organized PEPA training for all health staff in the NPA Established a register of persons who are diagnosed with Chronic Disease or a terminal illness Established a register of deceased persons together with cause of death and ages Established an assets register In December 2018, the program was awarded the 2018 Palliative Care in Queensland Award for Rural and Remote Palliative Care Team of the Year recognizing the good work done by the organization in this area. As a result of this work, seventeen families have been worked with intensively over this period and Community is now proactive in seeking palliative care services. In addition, we have received further conference presentation invitations – Perth: Oceanic Palliative Care Conference Human Rights; & Sunshine Coast 2020. The impact on the NPA is now all of the families and communities in the NPA now have a viable Palliative Care program in which they have confidence and actively use. Families engaged with this program state that they now feel more supported by GPs, Pharmacy, Queensland Health as a result of the active wrap around support they received through the case management component of this program.
CDP Expand Program Manager - Community Development Program Serah Binawel In July 2018, the organisation entered into a Joint Venture with My Pathway for the delivery of the Community Development Program in the NPA Region. As part of this Joint Venture, the organisations worked together to review NPA employee structure, activity and set short and long-term goals for the program. The Community Development Program (CDP) is a Federal Government funded project to assist remote job seekers transition from welfare into employment. NPA Family and Community Services is the current provider for the Northern Peninsular Area approximately 20 staff across three areas. Connecting to CDP is easy. Jobseekers can be referred by Department of Human Services, transfer in from other provider region or simply come into the CDP officer. CDP staff will assist job seekers to find employment. NPA Family and Community Services is now the lead agency delivering the Community Development Program for the NPA region since the 1st of July 2019. Assets and Maintenance The Assets & Maintenance Program Manager oversees asset management, maintenance, cleaning, transport, Workplace Health & Safety and IT. As of 30 June 2020, the organisation has 13 organisational buildings, 15 staff accommodation and 42 vehicles. Over the past 12 months, the team has focused on: IT Infrastructure Upgrades – installation of new servers at Bamaga and /Injinoo; installation of new internet system and Telstra Upgrades, installation of new switches, preparation for CDP program Repair and maintenance of old computers Completing maintenance requests and employing quick resolutions to any new problems Yard maintenance Vehicle maintenance WHS Audits at each site Regular accommodation audits Patient transportation Cleaning of offices, centres and accommodation In addition, the team has supported Community Events including school carnivals, community events, funerals with the use of marquees and other equipment.
Human Resources & Organisational Development Expand Program Manager - Human Resources & Organisational Development Laura Perry The latest addition to our Senior Management team is Laura Perry, who commenced her new role in July 2023. Laura has been with our organisation for 4.5 years. Through her previous experience in Human Resources, Training and Quality Systems Management within our organisation, she now manages a small team to support organisational development. She oversees the effective and efficient management of the functional areas of employee relations, recruitment, learning and development, compliance, media and communications and executive support services. Laura is excited to be part of NPAFACS Senior Management Team and is looking forward to supporting the organisation in a management capacity.
Financial Services Expand Program Manager - Financial Services Jasmine Bond Jasmine is the Finance manager and she has been with the organisation for 8 years started in the role as HR and moving her to Finance, then Children Services, Assets and Maintenance then back to Finance. Jasmine is grateful for the opportunity NPAFACS has given her by giving her the experience to be working in different sectors of the organisation. Her role now as Program manager in Finance is to oversee all financial aspects of the organisation and to ensure that all financial controls and systems are correctly implemented by our staff. Jasmine work collaboratively with an accountant who is based off site and ensure payroll, creditors, debtors and debt management processes maximises to the organisational financial outcomes. Jasmine also helps to define the organisation's short- and long-term goals and objectives, as well as the regulations and guidelines that govern NPAFACS activities. Daily check that all of the finance officers are adhering to the proper procedures by supervising them.